Josepha Scheling

Also known as
Josepha Pappert

August 30, 1832
Fulda, Germany

August 3, 1896
Fulda, Germany

Martin Joseph Scheling
Anna Margerita Denner

Elizabeth Scheling

Polycarp Pappert
Married October 10, 1854 in Fulda, Germany

Martin Pappert
Kathinka Pappert
Valentin Adolphe Louis Pappert

Life Story

Josepha Scheling was born August 30, 1832 in Fulda, Germany to Martin Joseph Scheling and Anna Marguerita Denner. She had at least one sister, Elizabeth, who was born in 1835, and possibly a brother Martin.

Jospeha married Polycarp Pappert, an Obergendarm, in a civil ceremony on October 2, 1854 in Cassel and in the Cathedral of Fulda on October 10. She and Polycarp had three children: Martin, Kathinka and Valentin. Josepha's son Valentin immigrated to New York in 1881 when he was 17, and her daughter Kathinka moved to Frankfurt where she either worked or lived with a husband. Six years after Valentin immigrated to New York, her husband of almost 33 years died in June of 1887 at the age of 67. An immigration record for Valentin suggests he returned to visit Germany to visit her in late summer of 1888. This was likely the last time she saw him before her death on August 3, 1896. A copy of a death announcement indicates that she died of heart failure in her sleep. Memorial services were held at the cathedral in Fulda but the location of her burial was not disclosed.


Occupation Housewife  

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Updated 12/4/14