

Plays and musicals

Damn Yankees - 1973

Top picture
Paul Feldstein, Mario Castiello, Joe DeRossi, Richard Gersh

Bottom picture
Front row- Wendy Bohlinger, Susan Papenek, Lisa Cotter, Deidre Kavanagh, Susan Schifano, Carol Bova, girl
Back row- Philip Elbert, Paul Feldstein, Joe DeRossi, boy, boy, boy


Mr. Jack Holly (1972-73)


Once Upon a Mattress - 1969

The name of the musical was misspelled on the script we received and Mr. Holly kept the misspelling, thinking that this was correct for this production.


South Pacific - 1968

L to R- David Feldstein, Tom Luchtenberg, Nicky Fanelli, Mike Baltimore (in front), Michael Squillante, boy, John Roberts, Joel Brill, Brian Wright


The Skin of Our Teeth - 1962-63
